From ‘Colors & Vows’ album released on april 28th 2023 on Requiem Pour Un Twister.

Follow Hayden Besswood : @haydenbesswood


Directed by Tristan D’Hervez & Hayden Besswood
Camera & Edit by Tristan D’Hervez
Post-prod effects by Tristan D’Hervez (withe the precious help of Quentin Allaert & Didier Poiraud)
Costumers : ‘Dernière Main’ / Margot Finance / Guillaume Ménard / James Bataille from Atomik Circus
Piano Duck DIsco Band : Aubin Pougnant, Paul Le Goff, Antoine Kerglonou, Louis Roms, Vincent Allix
Cosmonaut – Sound Engineer : ‘Nikotep’/Nicolas Moreau from Le Garage Hermétique Studio

A special thank to ‘Les Beaux arts de Nantes’, Le Garage Hermétique Studio & Rawane Bigoude’s Workshop
A huge thank to ‘Clap – Ville de Nantes’